educational statistician

Educational Statisticians SIG

American Educational Research Association

*** Statistically Significant News (p < .05)! ***

  1. Janet Holt is the President of the Educational Statistician SIG for 2011-2012; Mark Beasley, the Co-Chair.

  2. The Spring 2012 Newsletter is here! Below, look for this newsletter where you will find all previous newsletters.

Benefits of Membership

bullet Interaction with over 250 Educational Statisticians worldwide
bullet Listproc for easy communication with other members
bullet Electronic Newsletter
bullet Business Meeting at AERA Annual Meeting with a social to follow


* News with a Large Effect *

ES Newsletter Spring 2012

ES Newsletter Fall 2011

ES Newsletter Spring 2011

ES Newsletter Fall 2010

ES Newsletter Spring 2010

ES Newsletter Fall 2009

ES Newsletter Fall 2008

ES Newsletter Spring 2008

ES Newsletter Fall 2007

ES Newsletter Spring 2007

ES Newsletter Fall 2006

ES Newsletter Spring 2006

ES Newsletter Fall 2005

ES Newsletter Spring 2005

ES Newsletter Fall 2004


Please request membership by contacting...

Janet Holt


Comments regarding ES website? Please contact:

Stephen A. Sivo

University of Central Florida

Links for Ed. Stat. SIG Members